We are very happy to finally share the „Baltica-Web“ forum programme with you! And, as promised by the organizers, it is special: the days are dedicated to interesting lectures, comments, discussions on various Baltic cultural topics, and the evenings – to concerts, to custom presentations, to an art installation and even to everyone’s beloved traditional dance event “All Lithuania Dance”, which had grown into “All BALTICA dance”!
Some of the events will take place both live and online, therefore, the organizers are kindly asking everyone who want to come and enjoy live events to have vaccination certificate, recovery sertificate, negative Covid-19 test sertificate or EU digital health certificate.

This forum is also special in that not only its topics, but also the linguistic environment reflects the culture of our three neighboring countries: participants will speak their mother tongues, translators will translate them into the other two languages – Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian.